Kiva and the Members Project

A while back I wrote about Kiva, the non-profit that facilitates the practice of micro-lending by matching up lenders with entrepreneurs in developing nations who need small loans to raise ducks or sell gin.

It turns out they’re one of 25 finalists in the Members Project from American Express. If Kiva is selected as the winner, they’ll get a million or two from American Express. Kiva makes no money off the micro-loans, so a windfall like this would go a long way toward paying the rent, doing the legwork with micro-lending institutions in developing countries, and helping a bunch of do-gooders get their paychecks. $1.5 million translates into 60,000 $25 micro-loans!

If you have an American Express card, go vote for Kiva’s entry, Loans That Change Lives, at the Members Project.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, both Dorcas and Lan Thi are repaying their loans.
